Documentation : Getting Started

0. Register a user / log in

Go to the login page in the top right corner:

  1. Register your own username using this form
  2. Or: Try out VariantDB on our demonstration server here

1. Selecting a sample

Go to Variant Filter in the top menu. You have two options top select a sample:

  1. Select sample from list: This shows all your samples, organised by project. Select the sample you need.
  2. Type samplename : If you know the sample you need, start typing the name. Matching names will be shown as a dropdown list.

After selecting the sample, a link to load the VCF/BAM data (if available) into IGV will be shown on the right.

2. Setting Filters

Select the filters to apply on the variants of the sample from the categories in the 'filter' tab. Click the plus signs to add filters, remove them using the minus sign.

An overview of the available filters is available here. A set of filters can be saved using the options on the right.

3. Setting Annotations

The second tab shows all available annotations. Select them using the checkboxes. An overview of the annotations is available here

4. Apply the filter and get annotations

Click the 'execute' button to get the results. Results are presented in batches of 100 matching variants. On the 'export' tab, the button will start the generation and download of a csv file with all matching variants.